Detox For Life is a combined research effort by a number of passionate health professionals, researchers and writers.
Katherine East is the website owner, chief writer and editor. Katherine is a free-lance writer for various on-line health publications. A qualified Essential Oils Specialist and currently studying nutritional therapy, she has a keen interest in researching subject matter related to supplementation, health, wellness and natural living.
This website is the result of a health scare…And let me tell you, there's nothing like losing an organ to get your attention focused on taking better care of yourself!
So this is me, the organ-less wonder, and I'm here to tell you a little story.
You see, a couple of years ago, I lost my gall-bladder.
Now, I thought I knew a thing or two about supplements, healthy eating, and exercise. But it turns out knowing and doing are 2 different things! This little episode was just the kick in the pants I needed to enroll in some courses and learn everything I could about staying healthy and happy.
Fast forward to the here and now, I’m a certified essential oil specialist, and an avid researcher for all things nutrition, exercise, supplements and natural remedies related.
Through my personal journey and experience, I have come to understand the importance of both physical and mental well-being. It is not enough to simply focus on one aspect of health while neglecting the other. The mind and body are interconnected and must be treated as such to achieve optimal health.
That is why I am committed to sharing information and resources on this website that will help you improve your health and well-being in all aspects of your life. From the latest research on nutrition to tips for reducing stress and anxiety, you will find a wealth of information here to help you achieve your health goals.
So here’s to a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Let’s make some lifestyle changes, recognize the link between mind and body, and let’s get knowledgeable on some herbal remedies. There’s definitely room to move from barely functioning to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.
Coach Zeke - A South African state basketball player and coach. Zeke has a keen interest in sports nutrition, fitness, natural endurance enhancing supplements and anti-aging. His passion for inspiring and coaching young adults to maximise their potential lead to his article contributions on drug detox, nicotine detox and stopping smoking. These have been written from a professional and personal point of view to provide tools to those wanting to improve their quality of health by stopping substance abuse.
At Detox For Life
we are passionate in our belief that a more natural way of living can
improve the quality of life. By keeping the body as toxin free as
possible and supplying nutrient rich foods to the cells, the chance of
disease can be minimized and the body healing itself maximized.
You may be wondering what exactly I'm selling here. The answer is:- nothing directly, but providing information on a website involves monthly costs. So you'll notice that I have a few book recommendations through Amazon and some advertising space through Google Ads.
articles and information are free for you to read and gather
information. In order for us to provide this service we subsidize the
website by having advertising and recommending products. If you purchase
an item from another website via a link from Detox For Life we
receive a small commission (in most cases). You do not pay more for
buying through our links. This helps us to maintain the website, do
further research and put food on the table.
Your purchases and support are appreciated!
Now you’ve heard about us, we’d love to hear from you. You can share your health related stories here .
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We are required by the FDA to make the statement that Detox For Life does not intend to provide medical advice and do not take responsibility for any possible consequences which result from reliance on information contained on this site. Please seek the advice of your health care professional before starting on any treatment, supplement, or any other course of action discussed at this site. Click on the links for our full Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
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