ACV makes my skin supersoft

by Jasmine

I'm female, 26. I ve had severe body acne for 2 years. I've been using Heinz ACV orally and topically for 12 days to treat my body acne. I can't find raw ACV with the mother in it here.

ACV as a topical: After cleaning my body with a moiturising body wash, i massage my body and face with bath gloves soaked in diluted ACV and rinse it with water. This process is done twice a day, once in the afternoon when my body start to sweat from the heat ( it's really hot in summer over here, 36* C) and once before bedtime. I apply ACV undiluted to the blemishes when i get out of the shower ( only to the blemishes, not all over my body)

ACV as a drink: I mix 2 tablespoons of ACV with green tea and honey and drink it 3 times a day.


ACV boosts my metabolism and appetite. I often feel hungry and eat more. ACV is usually used to lose weight but i use it as mean to gain weight.

ACV makes my skin supersoft and glowy. It reduces swelling, redness and dries pimples quickly.

I've experienced initial breakout on day 3 - 11 which is more likely to be premenstrual acne. I'll be patient because whatever acne treatment or remedy you're on, u have to wait at least 4 weeks to see the result.

I find it best to dilute ACV before applying to my skin. Undiluted ACV overdried and irritated my skin.

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Jun 09, 2010
Where to find Organic ACV
by: Anonymous

You can find the organic apple cidar vinegar at whole foods or trader joes and those have the "mother" in it.

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