Colonic Irrigation is a term used to describe the cleansing and detoxifying of the colon through gentle infusions of purified water at a controlled temperature and controlled pressure.
Colonic therapy is an alternate therapy recommended for the removal of toxic and mucus build-up in the colon and assists in recovering natural balance of good and bad bacteria and the adequate absorption and production of enzymes and vitamins.
This article takes no sides in this matter, but merely tries to lay a solid foundation to making an informed decision.
The colon, which is the name given to the large intestine, is the main organ responsible for ridding the body of toxic waste. It absorbs water and some vitamins from the digested food on its route out of your body.
The question arises why is there a need for colonic irrigation or cleansing, after all surely our bodies are designed to function properly? There are two schools of thought in this regard.
Opinions on the virtues of whether colonic cleansing is actually necessary, are varied, from staunch resistance from some quarters of the medical fraternity, to avid supporters from the schools of natural medicine.
Supporters of colonic irrigation maintain that this detoxifying of the colon helps reduce food intolerance, improve skin appearance, reduce cellulite, improve energy, reduce weight, and enhance immune function.
Much of the medical fratenity take a different view. Although doctors may recommend colon cleansing in preparation for a medical examination of the colon, most don't recommend colonic cleansing for better health or to prevent disease.
There are two reasons for this:
So to cleanse or not to cleanse, that is the question? For this writer, the solution seems to be the proof is in the pudding. Colonic irrigation is not for everyone, as the results of a cleanse are quite graphic. The less you see the better. But, if this isn't a problem give it a try and go have a colon check at the same time and kill two birds with one stone.
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