I am just starting nicotine detox

by Stephanie
(Schenectady n.y.)

It's only been about 3 hours, but I really want to quit. I am already feeling kind of anxious. I feel like I can do this !! Please pray for me that I can be tough and stick it out !! I have been smoking for 6 and a half years a pack a day... I am 25 years old.

Nicotine Detox Editor's Reply

Well done on trying to give up smoking. It's a tough battle to fight. Rememebr to take a good quality vitamin C supplement to replenish your body.

There are natural products to help with various aspects of quitting smoking. Some help with the cravings and others with the withdrawal side effects. I have listed some of the more popular ones below.

A great book to read is The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
icon This book has had lots of positive feedback and some great celebrity endorsements.

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the truth

by elaine
(g britain)

I decided 13 days ago to give up smoking with the aid of nicotine patches, as per usual cold turkey was a no no. Too hard, no confidence. So I gave up with patches, then I started reading all the different things on the internet about giving up smoking, and all the different things to help. But what came up time and time again as the best way was COLD TURKEY even though it seemed more intense. I thought I will give it a go so I removed my patch on day 9 - hell it was hard for 3 days but now on day 4 and feel so much better. It was worth the 3 days of intensive withdrawal . With the patch you still have that day to come it cant be avoided, best to do it sooner than later whilst your still determind. Take my word it's worth it - have a go on your own YOU CAN DO IT I DID. Good luck, Elaine

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