i've suffered from acne sence i was in around 3rd or 4th grade...

hi i'm jenna, i'm an 18 year old woman looking for answers... when i was in 3rd or 4th grade i had my first pimple, and sense then it's only gotten worse :(

i've tryed everything, even proactive, but nothing seemed to work. i'm 18 now and still've got it... a couple months ago i tryed acutaine. and it helped clear up my oily skin n helped reduce my breakouts. but i still get them, not as bad, but they still happen :/
my poirs are soo clogged it feels like, every morning i look and wonder "how do i unclog them?". i sometimes think maybe my poirs are stained with dirt, or are to cloged to ever be clean n clear again. about a month ago my friend told me her mom used just acv. she porred some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball n put it on her face for ten minutes then washed it off, and within a week or two her face was completely clear, and she had it real bad i gues. but from reading this site and other sites, i wonder, is it better to distil it with water or not?? will it unclog my poirs n make my noise look nice n clean n smooth?? and would it be better for me to sleep with the acv on? or should i wash it off after ten minutes..... please help!!! i cant stand blackheads n zits anymore!! D:

p.s the zits on my cheeks n chin don't have pus er nothin really, sometimes though, they do. but most of the time there jus swollen,,, and i've got scars :/ but they dont sink in... they kinda poke out or jus sit nicely on my skin.. but will apple cider vinegar help clear this up to??

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May 20, 2011
answer to your post:: 18 and still looking for answers
by: Lisa/ Jeremy's mom

One thing I would suggest for clearing your scars and even to put on your blemishes at night to help them clear is Calamine Lotion. It really speeds the healing especially after the blemish has begun to heal but there's that red spot for awhile after.

I'll leave it to others to suggest whether you should dillute the ACV with water or not when you apply it topically.

One thing I tried with my son for awhile was the ACV capsules; 500 mg 3 times per day and evening primrose oil capsules 3 times per day too. There was a mother that posted the info. on hubpages.com and it worked very well for her daughters. Since you've taken accutaine recently though, you may want to check with your dermatologist to see if adding this option would be safe for you to try at this time.

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